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西湖 龙井茶从采摘到制作都有严格的标准。同样西湖龙井茶等级 下面详细介绍西湖龙井茶分哪几个等级。 以往,西湖龙井茶分为特级和一级至十级共11个级,其中特级 又分为特一、特二和特三,其余每个级再分为5个等,每个级的 “级中”设置级别标准样。随后稍作简化,改为特级和一至八级, 共分43个等。也就是说在以前若要问西湖龙井茶分哪几个等级, 除对西湖龙井有着深厚研究的专家外,其他人应是一时半会回答 不出。但到1995年,西湖龙井茶的级别进一步简化了,只设特级 (分为特二和特三)和一级至四级;同年,浙江龙井茶分为特级和一 至五级,共6个级别样。 特级 一芽一叶初展,扁平光滑 一级 一芽一叶开展,含一芽二叶初展,较扁平光洁 二级 一芽二叶开展,较扁平 三级 一芽二叶开展,含少量二叶对夹叶,尚扁平 四级 一芽二、三叶与对夹叶,尚扁平,较宽、欠光洁 五级 一芽三叶与对夹叶,扁平较毛糙 这样看来现若要问西湖龙井茶分哪几个等级,


浙江龙井茶分为特级和一至五级,共6个级别样。 龙井43:龙井43是中国农业科学院茶叶研究所从龙井群体中选育出来的无性系国家级品种。灌木型,中叶类,树姿半开张,分枝密。特早生种,在青岛地区一芽一叶期为4月中、下旬。育芽能力特强,发芽整齐密度大,芽叶短壮少毛,春茶一芽二叶干样约含氨基酸3.7%、茶多酚18.5%、儿茶素总量12.1%、咖啡碱4.0%。适制雀舌、龙井、玉叶等扁形名优绿茶。 特点:香味和浓度都适宜,回甘持久,龙井43一般适合炒制成绿版,汤色清绿明亮。 平阳特早:中叶类、灌木型、特早生种。青岛地区名茶开采期4月中、下旬,发芽密度大,育芽能力强。特点:香气高是它显著的特点,同一时期采的茶叶,平阳早品貌上要好些,但口味稍微清淡。 浙农117:浙江大学选育的优质、高产、早生的红绿兼用的无性系良种,2002年通过浙江省省级鉴定,列为浙江省重点推广品种。持嫩性强、适制扁形与针形茶、芽壮色绿。发芽时间早、青岛地区名茶开采时间在5月上旬、育芽力强、抗逆性强,特别是抗寒性突出、制成的绿茶香高持久、滋味浓鲜爽口。 浙农139:浙江大学选育优质、高产、早生的无性系良种茶树良种,2002年通过浙江省省级鉴定,列为浙江省重点推广品种。春茶开采期比早生种福鼎大白茶早7天左右,适制名优绿茶,香气高而持久、味鲜醇有回甘,并有耐贮藏的特点,单产比福鼎大白茶增27%。叶色翠绿、产量高。优点是持嫩性好、抗寒性强,缺点是抗病性稍弱。 乌牛早:该品种成熟最快,一般立春一到就开始发芽,公历3月上旬就可以开摘。由于乌牛早外形和西湖龙井相似,产量也很大。 扩展资料:龙井茶,浙江省特产,中国国家地理标志产品。特级龙井茶扁平光滑挺直,色泽嫩绿光润,香气鲜嫩清高,滋味鲜爽甘醇,叶底细嫩呈朵。2001年,国家质监总局正式批准“龙井茶”为原产地域保护产品(即地理标志保护产品)。 龙井茶素以色翠、形美、香郁、味醇冠绝天下,其独特的“淡而远”“香而清”的绝世神采和非凡品质,在众多茗茶中独具一格,冠列中国十大名茶之首。 参考资料:龙井茶-百度百科






Passage 1

Our Class

This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together

I. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(错)
( )1. There is an American boy in our class.
( )2. Mary is an English girl.
( )3. She likes rice, tea, and bread.
( )4. We are good friends.
( )5. There are twenty-four girls in our class.

II. 在A, B, C中选出一个最佳答案

( )1. How many students are there in the class?
A. Twenty-five B. Fifty-five C. Fifty

( )2. What does Mary like eating?
A.hamburger B.hot dog C.Cakes and bread

( )3. What does she like drinking?
A. Apple juice. B. Cola C. Orange juice and milk

( )4. What do the Chinese students like eating and drinking?
A. Rice and tea B. Bread and milk C. Bread and

Passage 2

Betty and Kitty
Betty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different (不同的)hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps(集邮). She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities(城市)and countries(国家). But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday,they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too.
( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister.
( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers.
( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks.
( ) 4. They’re twelve years old.
( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.

Passage 3
In the Classroom
This is a classroom. You can see some girls, a boy and a teacher in it. The boy is Tom. He has golden(金色的) hair and blue eyes. He is from America. He is a new pupil. The girls are Chinese. They can speak a little English. They are talking with Tom in English. Miss Li is writing something on the blackboard.
( )1. There are some boys in the classroom.
( )2. Tom’s hair is black.
( )3. Tom is an American boy.
( )4. The girls are Chinese.
( )5. Miss Li is talking with her students.
Passage 4

John usually goes to school by bus. He leaves his house at seven and arrives at his school at about seven twenty. His school is on a hill(小山)
From Monday to Friday John usually has four classes every day. He is good at English. He wants to be an English teacher. He hopes that he will go to England to study English.

在A, B, C 中选出一个最佳答案

( ) 1. How does John usually go to school?
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By train
( ) 2. John is good at .
A. English B. Chinese C. Maths
( ) 3. What does John want to be?
.A driver. B.An English teacher. C.A doctor.
( ) 4. Where does John want to go?
A. America B. Canada C. England
( ) 5. How many classes does John have every day?
A. Four. B. Three. C. Six.

Passage 5

A Crow and a Fox

One day a crow (乌鸦) finds a piece of meat. She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. She is just going to eat the meat when a fox sees her. He comes and stands under the tree and says, “How pretty you are! You must be the prettiest bird in the world.”
The crow is very pleased (高兴的)by these words. Then the fox speaks again, “I can see your pretty face, but I have not heard your voice (声音). Why don’t you sing a song?”
This makes the crow very happy. She opens her mouth and begins to sing. As she opens her mouth, she drops(丢掉) the meat. The fox picks up (捡起) the meat at once and goes away with it.

( )1. One day a crow finds a piece of meat.
( )2. Before the crow eats the meat, she meets a fox.
( )3. The fox asks the crow to dance.

( )4.The crow is very clever.
( )5. She is happy and flies to a tall house.

Passage 6

Four Good Friends

Mary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Mary’s favourite number is 3 and her favourite country is France. 16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favourite number. Whose favourite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kate’s father works in a restaurant. He likes Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kate’s lucky number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.

( )1. Mary’s favorite number is 13.
( )2. Nancy’s favorite country is America.
( )3. Ron likes Fance.
( )4. Kate’s father is a teacher.
( )5. Kate likes Chinese food.

Passage 7

How lucky the man is
It is in summer. A young man comes to a forest (森林). He’s walking along the edge (边缘) of the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is a forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A wolf is getting ready to jump on him.
What does he do? He must jump into the river. In the river there is a crocodile (鳄鱼). Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. And he hears the wolf jumps, but nothing happens to him. Then he opens his eyes and finds the wolf is now in the mouth of the crocodile.

( )1. There is a river on the right of the young man.
( )2. A young woman comes to a forest.
( )3. There is a wolf on the right of the young man.
( )4. The crocodile jumps on the young man .
( )5. The crocodile eats the wolf.

Passage 8

The Halloween

Children in America like Halloween very much.On the 31st of October, they put on special clothes in the evening. Sometimes they dress like witches(女巫)and ghosts (幽灵). Sometimes they dress like kings (国王) and queens (女王). They go to their neighbors’ (邻居的)houses and knock at the doors. The neighbors give them chocolate or some fruit.
Sometimes people don’t give the children any food. Then the children play a trick on (捣乱)them. They may put soap (肥皂) on their windows.
Children like this special day. They like their bags of sweets.

( ) 1. Halloween is in China.
( ) 2. On the 30th of October, they put on special clothes in the evening.
( ) 3. Sometimes they dress like kings and queens.
( ) 4. People will give the children food at any time.
( ) 5. Children like Halloween day.