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2020年12月六级考试答案三套全(对啊网版) 六级写作 写作第一套 【Directions】 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an?essay on why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges.?You should write at least 150?words but no more than 200?words. 【参考范文】 In an ever-changing world, people are bound to face various challenges. However, challenges mean not only difficulties, but also opportunities. From my perspective, considering that there are many possibilities in our future,?we should not be afraid of challenges and encourage students to develop the ability to meet challenges. There are several factors accounting for my view. In the first place, challenges can cultivate our personality. It is inevitable that we will encounter difficulties and problems. At critical times, one’s positive attitude towards challenges plays a crucial role in turning hardship into good results. In addition, it is challenges that can inspire our potential. Whatever situation we are faced with, people who have the ability of dealing with difficulties?have a greater chance of success. Individuals may achieve temporary success by good luck, but only after we go through the adversity on our own can we have the solid foundation of success.? From what I have discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that?challenges may?have positive effects on our life. The earlier?we are aware of the optimistic side that challenges provide, the more benefits we will get. 【参考译文】 在瞬息万变的世界里,人们一定会面临各种挑战。然而,挑战不仅意味着困难,而且意味着机遇。在我看来,鉴于我们的未来有很多的可能性,我们不应该害怕挑战并且鼓励学生发展应对挑战的能力。 ?有一些因素来解释我的观点。首先,挑战可以磨炼我们的品性。我们不可避免的会遇到困难和问题。在关键时刻,一个人对挑战的积极态度对于把困难转化为好结果起着至关重要的作用。另外,挑战可以激发我们的潜能。无论我们面对什么样的情况,有能力处理困难的人成功的机会更大。个人可能凭运气获得暂时的成功,但是只有当我们自己经历逆境后,我们才能有成功的坚实基础。 ?从上面的探讨中,我们可以得出结论挑战可能对我们的生活有积极的影响。我们越早意识到挑战带来的乐观的面,我们将得到更多的好处。 ? ?写作第二套 Why students should be encouraged to develop communication skills 【参考范文】 There are all kinds of students with different personalities in our diverse university. Despite this, it is beneficial for all of us to develop effective communication skills, and there are a few arguments that can justify my opinion. In the first place, as students, we inevitably face different groups of people: our roommates, our classmates, our professors and many others. Therefore, it is necessary for us to speak properly and avoid offending or hurting others when faced with certain kinds of people, which is the number-one social etiquette. Besides, those who can communicate effectively are often confident, popular, and make more friends. As a result, they tend to gain more respect and support from others when they feel in distress. Last but not least, effective communication with different people can broaden our horizons and cultivate our empathy, both of which are of utmost importance to our future lives. All in all, it is okay to be either shy or outgoing, but it is worth pondering before socializing with other people, especially people who hold a different personality. Only in this way can we truly integrate with our communities with a sense of belonging. 【参考译文】? 我们的大学十分多元,有各种各样性格各异的学生。尽管如此,提升自己的沟通技巧对我们每个人都有益。以下几点可以证明我的观点。 首先,作为学生,我们不可避免地会面对各种各样的人:我们的室友、同学、教授,还有许多其他人。因此,我们能在某类人面前说话得体、避免冒犯或伤害他人的品质十分重要,这是最首要的一点社交礼仪。除此之外,善于沟通的人通常很自信、受欢迎,并且能交到更多朋友,这使得他们更容易赢得尊重,在遇到困境时也可能得到更多帮助。最后但也最重要的是,与不同的人进行有效的沟通可以拓宽我们的事业,培养我们的同理心,这两点对我们将来的生活都至关重要。 总的来说,不管内向还是外向都没问题,但与他人社交时我们还是要再三推敲,尤其是在面对与自己性格不同的人时。只有这样,我们才能真正融入集体,并获得归属感。 ? ?写作第三套 【Directions】 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on?why students should be encouraged to develop creativity.?You?should write at least 150 words but no more than?200?words. 【参考范文】 When it comes to the importance of?creativity, people often naturally come to a consensus. Ironically, an increasing number of people?tend to?ignore?this capability. From my point of view,?students should be encouraged to develop a creative mind, especially in the digital era we are living in. Firstly, in a time of information explosion when young people are immersed in a sea of messages, what they lack is not the ability to receive data, but the ability to think creatively. Students should learn to sift and organize various kinds of information in a creative way, so that they won’t feel lost oftentimes. Secondly, students need to develop their creativity because it will make them better prepared for their future career. Those who can come up with innovative solutions to the tricky issues they meet will be highly competitive at the workplace. In summary, the importance of encouraging students to develop their creativity could never be overstated. Their parents and teachers need to realize this and provide the students with more opportunities to cultivate their creativity. ?【参考译文】 谈到创造力的重要性,人们往往会自然而然地达成共识。讽刺的是,越来越多的人倾向于忽视这种能力。在我看来,应该鼓励学生培养创造性思维,特别是在我们处在的数字时代。 首先,在信息爆炸的时代,年轻人被浸泡在信息的海洋中,他们缺乏的不是接收数据的能力,而是创造性思考的能力。学生应该学会以创造性的方式筛选和组织各种信息,这样他们就不会经常感到迷茫。其次,学生需要培养他们的创造力,因为这能让他们更好地为未来的职业生涯做好准备。那些能为他们遇到的棘手问题想出创新性解决方案的人,将在工作场所具有很强的竞争力。 总之,鼓励学生发展创造力的重要性怎么强调都不为过。学生家长和老师们需要意识到这一点,并为学生提供更多的机会来培养他们的创造力。 ? ? ? 相关热点: 六级答案 英语六级报名 四六级应试宝典 大学英语四级阅读理解 1 2 3 4 下一页



Theycontinued for such a long time because people believed in the philosophy behindthe Olympics: the idea that a healthy body produced a healthy mind, and thatthe spirit of competition in sports and games was preferable to the competitionthat caused wars. 主语:They 谓语:continued 原因状语从句:because people believed in the philosophy behind the Olympics 同位语:the idea 同位语从句:that a healthy body produced a healthy mind, and that thespirit of competition in sports and games was preferable to the competition 定语从句:that caused wars 奥运会之所以能够在如此长的一段时间内连续举办是因为人们相信奥林匹克蕴含的精神:健康的体魄产生健康的思想,体育运动中的竞争精神优于导致战争的竞争。



This question of giving upseats in public transport is much argued about by young men, who say that,since women have claimed equality, they no longer deserve to be treated withcourtesy and that those who go out to work should take their turn in the ratrace like anyone else. 主语:This question of giving up seats in public transport 谓语:is much argued about 定语从句:who say that 原因状语从句:since women have claimed equality 宾语从句:they no longer deserve to be treated with courtesy andthat those who go out to work should take their turn in the rat race likeanyone else 在公共交通工具上让座的问题常被青年人反驳,他们说,既然妇女要求平等,那么她们将不应再被礼貌对待,那些出去工作的人应该像其他任何人一样在你死我活的竞争中轮流等候。