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adj. 淘汰的;废弃的;过时的 vt. 淘汰;废弃 n. 废词;被废弃的事物 例句: When did the first generation computers become obsolete? 第一代电脑是什么时候淘汰的? With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete. 随着技术的革新,许多传统技艺已被淘汰。 Most factories in the area are obsolete and badly managed. 这个地区的绝大多数工厂都十分陈旧,经营状况也非常糟糕。 So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made. 这么多设备几乎一生产出来就要被淘汰。



obsolete的翻译为:过时的。 双语例句 1、Whence it followed that the strategies were obsolete. 由此得出这样的结论:这些策略已过时了。 2、The minute something becomes obsolete, bang, it's gone. 那件事一过时,马上就会消失。 3、The phrase was obsolete after 1625. 1625年以后这个短语就废弃不用了。 4、This archaic/obsolete expression is already out of use. 这个老掉牙的词现在已经不用了。 5、Watches like yours are already obsolete. 你这种表早已淘汰了。 6、A furlong is an obsolete measure of length. 弗隆是一种已废弃不用的长度单位。



  obsolete的汉语意思   英 [ˈɒbsəli:t] 美 [ˌɑ:bsəˈli:t]   第三人称单数:obsoletes现在分词:obsoleting过去分词:obsoleted过去式:obsoleted   形容词 废弃的; 老式的,已过时的; [生]已废退的   名词 废词; 被废弃的事物   及物动词 淘汰; 废弃   例句   及物动词   1. Newer media are obsoleting the book.   更新的`传播媒介正在逐步淘汰书籍。   obsolete的单语例句   1. But what draws me back repeatedly is the unforgettable narration by the novelist Zhu Ziqing, who described an obsolete tradition from a more gracious past so vividly.   2. Zhang said China should actively cultivate emerging strategically important industries while working to eliminate obsolete capacities and further promoting industrial emission reduction and energy conservation.   3. These efforts include closing major polluters, removing obsolete taxis from the roads and retrofitting gasoline stations to capture harmful chemicals.   4. Capacity expansions must combine with the closing of obsolete facilities, the government said in July.   5. The spirit of " come on, come on " became obsolete.   6. A comprehensive survey of old or obsolete landmines has been conducted, and a phased programme of modification or destruction of such landmines is implemented.   7. The cornerstone of the system is an information network to replace and upgrade figures that are almost certainly obsolete.   8. Enterprises flocking to industries such as coal have been common in recent years, with the government then stepping in to correct potential overcapacity and eliminate obsolete production capacity.   9. There is little point for officials to settle with the data drawn from obsolete methods.   obsolete的双语例句   1. But I do see one where the awesome power of these weapons has made world war obsolete as an instrument of policy.   但我确实看到了在这个世界上,这些武器的可怕力量使得世界大战作为政治工具的做法成为过眼云烟、陈词滥调。   2. I do not see a world without nuclear weapons. But I do see one where the awesome power of these weapons has made world war obsolete as an instrument of policy.   我并没有看到一个没有核武器的世界,然而在我看到的这个世界上,这些武器可怕的力量使得世界大战作为政治工具已经过时了。   3. This method has become obsolete, and it is now the most passive, not the most efficient method.   这种方法已经过时了,现在已是最被动,最没效的方法。   4. From this time on the humanity said goodbye to once all rank smell of blood hostile, barbarically has massacred, racial discrimination, belief conflict and so on, the humanities pass all obsolete fission time!   从此人类告别了曾经所有的血腥敌对、野蛮残杀、种族歧视、信仰冲突等等,人类过去一切陈旧的分裂时代!