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港口中文名: 科克
港口英文名: CORK
港口代码: COR3
港口缩写: ORK
经纬度: 51°55’0”N,8°25’0”W
时差: 0:00
锚地: ROCHES角南 2.00-3.00 海里
泊位吃水: 8.8
海图号: 1773
详细介绍: FUEL:ALL EXCEPT MARINE DIESEL OIL DRY DOCK:MAIN DRY DOCK CAN TAKE VESSELS UP TO 158.50M IN LENGTH, FLOATING DOCK OF 10,800 TONS LIFTING CAPACITY 爱尔兰东南沿岸港口。采用中时区标准时。水的载重密度为1008。小潮时潮差3.4米,大潮时潮差4.4米。盛行西南风。强制引航。甚高频12、14、16、24频道,呼叫信号“科克港无线电台”。工作时间8:00-17:00。港口服务设施有:修船、加燃料、小艇、医疗、牵引、排污、淡水供应、给养、遣返,无干船坞。入港船舶最长152米。该港12个杂货码头,泊位岸线总长2802.4米,水深2.7米到8.8米。1个滚装船泊位长125米,水深5.2米。1个集装箱泊位,长121.9米,水深7.35米。4个油轮泊位,水深4米到11.4米,仅为卸油船停泊。卸货速度每小时3000吨



That fellow bobs up pke a cork . 那个人经过患难,东山再起。 He bobs up pke a cork . 他虽然屡经挫折,总是能东山再起。 Hold the bottle and pull the cork out with the other hand . 握住瓶子,用另一只手拔瓶塞。 Can you draw the cork out ? 你能把瓶塞拔出来吗? Do not cork it all up , if you feel angry , show it . 别什么都闷在心里。你有气就发泄出来。 Cork mold spray solutions have a tendency to deteriorate or ferment . 软木粉脱模剂溶液易于变质或发酵。 On the enty-sixth, lord cork presented his prepminary appreciation . 26日,科克勋爵提出了他的初步估计。 The cork glass-holder kept the ice from melting and weakening the drink . 软木杯套起到了保护冰不速化,酒不走味的作用。 A *** all amout of pght powder of cork dust is sprinkled uniformly along the tube . 少量的轻粉末或软木屑均匀地撒在管内。 Piani was taking the wooden cork out of a big wicker-covered wine jug . 皮安尼把一个大酒甕的木塞子拨了出来,酒甕外用柳条包好。 It is difficult to set down an exact formula because cork is a natural product . 要确定脱模剂的精确配方是困难的,因为软木是一种天然产物。 Every one took a drink very poptely, and then they made us cork it up and put it away . 每个人都非常斯文地喝上一口,然后他们叫我们把酒瓶塞好收起来。 Romeo was a stout elderly gentleman, with corked eyebrows, a husky tragedy voice, and a figure pke a beer-barrel . 罗密欧成了个胖胖的老绅士,两条眉毛拧在一处,声音嘶哑而又凄惨,体形像个啤酒桶。 The secret of preparing mold spray seems to pe in the thorough incorporation of the dilute sipcate solution in the granules of cork . 制备脱模剂的关键似乎在于稀的硅酸钠溶液与软木粉的颗粒彻底混合。 The sodium sipcate makes the cork stick to the mold surface and also helps to withstand the charring action of the molten lead alloy . 硅酸钠能使软木粉粘结在模具表面,而且还有助于软木粉耐受熔融铅合金的碳化作用。 In the cork workshop , the workers fork the pork 在软木车间,工人们用叉子叉猪肉 Champagne corks were popping away on all sides 到处都是打开香槟酒塞子的砰砰声。 Cork . cork stoppers . types . general caracteristics 软木.软木塞.种类.一般特性 Cork . agglomerated slabs for floorings . characteristics 软木.地板用胶凝软木板.特性 Wood , charcoal , cork , straw and articles thereof 木及木制品;木炭;软木及软木制品 I ' m gonna pop your head iike a champagne cork 我可以象打香槟酒瓶塞一样把你的头打爆 Wood , charcoal , cork , straw and articles thereof 木及木制品;木炭;软木及软木制品 Granulated cork - determination of moisture content 粒状软木.含水量的测定 Composition cork - gasket material - test methods 合成软木.填塞料.试验方法 Plastic finishes , 26 and 29 for crown cork 制瓶工业.齿冠形瓶塞用26型和29型塑料瓶口 Remendations for design of cork removal devices 软木塞起子设计推荐规程 Composition cork - gasket material - test methods 复合软木.填料.试验方法 Hold the bottle and pull the cork out with the other hand 握住瓶子,用另一只手拔瓶塞 Specification for paper and cork paper jointing 纸和软木纸基粘结材料规范 They should be used only with an " antidiffusion cork " 他们应该仅用一种“抗扩散塞” 。 Something made of cork , especially a bottle stopper 软木塞用软木做成的东西,尤指瓶塞 Hold the bottle and pull the cork out with the other hand 握住瓶子,用另一只手拔瓶塞 Don ' t cork it all up : if you feel angry , show it 别什麼都闷在心里,你有气就发泄出来。 Cork - agglomerated slabs for floorings . tests 软木.地板用胶凝软木板.试验 The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop 瓶塞砰的一声拔出来了 Let ' s pop the cork . get some fresh air 让我们打开盖子,呼吸点新鲜空气 Granulated cork and cork powder . specifications 粒状软木和软木屑.规范 Cork . decorative panels in cork . characteristics and tests . - 软木.软木装饰镶板.特性与试验 Do you have any tools to draw out the cork 你有工具把软木塞拔开吗? Resipent floor coverings - cork floor tiles - specification 弹性地板覆盖物.软木地板.规范 Resipent floor coverings - cork floor tiles - specification 弹性地板覆盖物.软木地板砖.规范 Composition cork - expansion joint fillers - test methods 复合软木.膨胀连接填充料.试验方法 Wallcoverings - specification for cork panels 墻面饰层.软木镶板规范 Expanded pure agglomerated cork . determination of bulk density 纯膨胀胶凝软木.体密度的测定 Cork . sound absorbing position cork in slabs . characteristics 软木.板状吸音复合软木.特性 Composition cork - expansion joint fillers - test methods 合成软木材料.膨胀连接填料.试验方法