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15大案中六组的线人,后来以收破烂为生。 王显民出来后,季洁又偶然碰到了他,知道了他的境遇,留下了钱和联系电话。后来老莫进了王显民的汽修厂继续线人工作,和季洁单线联系。 为警方提供了很多证据,但最终被王显民发现,被杀害了。 剧情简介: 重案六组成员曾克强(李成儒饰)接到警队的好友胡刚的呼叫,匆忙赶往洗浴中心,但最终还是来迟一步——胡刚已被杀害,现场留下了激烈搏斗的痕迹。 面对惨死的战友,曾克强发誓一定要缉拿凶手为好友报仇,但现实却为他设下了种种障碍,曾克强一次次地陷入困惑。女警员季洁(王茜饰)与男友陆建华经过一场马拉松式的爱情考验,终于要踏上红地毯了,但她却隐隐有种不祥的感觉。




The Communist Party of China was founded in July 1, 1921. The 90th anniversary of the founding of Communist Party is coming soon. The movie " Beginning of The Great Revival”, as a birthday gift to the Party, will release on June 15, 2011.

The movie "Beginning of The Great Revival” spreads before and after the year of 1921, presenting the historical stories and heroic figures during the period of time from the end of Xinhai Revolution in 1911 to the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921. With the first group of Communist Party members of China such as 毛泽东,李大钊,陈独秀,周恩来 and so on as the center, the movie tells their great stories of going through fire and water for the country in stormy times. In total 178 actors were invited to act in the movie. "Beginning of The Great Revival”, as a gift to the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Party, will officially release on June 15, 2011. It is said that “Beginning of The Great Revival” in all aspects far exceeds “Founding of a Republic”.
