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标书,翻译为bidding documents。
标书(bidding documents)是由发标单位编制或委托设计单位编制,向投标者提供对该工程的主要技术、质量、工期等要求的文件。标书是招标工作时采购当事人都要遵守的具有法律效应且可执行的投标行为标准文件。它的逻辑性要强,不能前后矛盾,模棱两可;用语要精炼、简短。标书也是投标商投标编制投标书的依据,投标商必须对标书的内容进行实质性的响应,否则被判定为无效标(按废弃标处理)。标书同样也是评标最重要的依据。标书一般有至少一个正本,两个或多个副本。



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技术标也就是投标中最后一环。涉及建设项目,则包括全部施工组织设计内容,是用以评价投标人的技术实力和建设经验。商务标是标书中和商务相关的部分,投标函、报价清单、工期等。 投标文件由商务部分和技术部分两部分组成。 扩展资料: 投标注意事项: 1、投标书的写作,要求实事求是、具体清晰、准确准时。 2、工程投标书通常分为技术标、商务标和资格证明文件三部分。 技术标:主要是以施工组织设计体现,即所投标的主要施工工艺流程、技术规范。评标时,技术标一般占30%。 商务标:主要是预算报价部分,即结合自身和外界条件对整个工程的造价进行报价。商务标是整个投标的重中之重,评标时,商务标一般占70%。 资格证明文件:是以企业、人员、机械等相关资质等级要求。资格证明文件主要是审查公司有无投标、中标及完成一定的工程项目资格等。 参考资料:百度百科-投标


一、性质不同 1、技术标性质:投标文件里涉及技术方面的方案、内容、机具设备、人力、保障措施等等。 2、商务标性质:一种应对招标文件。如果没有规定,应该有以下内容:投标书一式几份,几正几副。投标文件由商务部分和技术部分两部分组成。 二、特点不同 1、技术标特点:如果是建设项目,则包括全部施工组织设计内容,用以评价投标人的技术实力和建设经验。技术复杂的项目对技术文件的编写内容及格式均有详细要求,应当认真按照规定填写标书文件中的技术部分,包括技术方案,产品技术资料,实施计划等等。 2、商务标特点:应对招标文件,如果没有规定,应该有以下内容:投标书一式几份,几正几副。 扩展资料: 关于技术标和商务标的其它介绍: 关于投标书的封面格式:封面“正本/副本字样首行右对齐”,项目名称印在第二行中间。封面上的所有文件都是黑体黑体宋体。招标文件中有封面样品的,投标人应按招标文件的内容和要求制作封面。 对标书当前普遍注意了包装,注意外观与模式,然而,常见的问题是,包很特别,但内容却很空。施工组织设计注重形式和条件,工艺、规范应用详细、全面,但未结合工程实际,失去针对性。部分企业已通过质量认证和环保认证,但未对相关项目制定具体的组织措施。 参考资料来源:百度百科-技术标 参考资料来源:百度百科-商务标


The winning bidder(hereinafter refered as Bidder) shall sign the contract stipulated with tenderee after being notified as the winning bidder.The Biddier would be deemed as completely agreed with the bidding files if no deviation,reservation or objection raised up, and reserves no right to modify the contract clauses before concluding.Otherwise, the Bidder could negotiate with the Tenderee, if there is no agreement reached, the Tenderee reserves the right to diaqualify Bidder and bear no responsibility. Under this circumstance, the Tenderee also reserves the right to pick up the next bidder in proper order according to the list provided by Bid Evaluation Committee,or re-bid.

7,招标文件汉译英(高手来 不要谷歌翻译)

(1) as a domestic Banks, municipal and above branch or branch; or
(2) in submit quotation document for inquiry before accept not included in (1) of the other bank municipal-scale and above branch or branch. bidding guarantee may adopt the form of bidding deposit in the bank, and provide telegraphic transfer/transfer mode, don't accept the draft submission, cash and checks. Bidders in bidding deadline to three working days before the bidding deposit by t/t to account, remittances shall be promptly after contact with bidding agent. account

Information is as follows: : bank: Beijing CCB bad stomach due branch
Account: 11001020500059084276 account name: the three gorges international tendering Co., LTD in the remarks column should be marked: three gorges ship lift bid bond (bidders wire rope components organization code). bidding guarantee validity in the tender documents has been effective. any 2.3.7 not according to the first paragraph of the bid, submit bid security will be regarded as not to bid and responsiveness to refuse. losing bidders in the bidding guarantee, no later than 30 days after expiry of the bid, regardless of the interest shall be refunded.
The winning bidder bid guarantee, entered into a contract in bidders and submit qualified pb shall be returned after, without interest. to any of the following conditions occurs, bidding guarantee will be acquired a tenderer shall not be refunded: all,
(1) if the bidder in the first paragraph of 2.3.8 bid validity withdraw bid; or
(2) if the bidder doesn't accept according to the first paragraph of 2.5.4 its bid price correction; or
(3) if the bidder in receiving the bid-winning notice or within 30 days after the bid-winning notice within the time limit stipulated in by
Why in a bidder fails to enter into a contract with the tenderer; or
(4) if the bidder in within 30 days after the contract has failed to provide qualified pb; or
(5) the bid documents have concealed or fraud; or
(6) if bidders forgery, forge bidding material diddle bidders. bidding documents should be equipped with original and copy respectively tender guarantee photocopy. Bidding guarantee original (bank electricity can collect/transfer telegraphic transfer/turn for Banks, and attach copies of the bill in accordance with the tender documents the third part of the format prescribed by 5.2 submitted a bid bond refund "information") should be sealed